Zirakpur to Bathinda taxi service one way

We provide Zirakpur to Bathinda taxi at the lowest fare. Booking cabs are easy with simple clicks for a hassle-free experience. Our company offer a wide range of vehicle options from sedans to SUV and also offer the lowest and most affordable pricing in the market for Amritsar one way drop. With more than a 15 years of experience in providing one way taxi to Bathinda from Zirakpur.

If you will search for a cheap Zirakpur to Bathinda taxi after getting to the Bathinda punjab, believe us it is impossible to do so. For travelers, it is very important to find taxis that are cheap but still give a valuable service but we there to provide pocket friendly cabs for you. We also operate Chandigarh to Bathinda cab in just 4000 rs.

Zirakpur to Bathinda taxi cost

  • Zirakpur to Bathinda taxi fare sedan:- 3800 Rs
  • Zirakpur to Bathinda cab price SUV: 5500 Rs
Zirakpur to Bathinda taxi

Enjoy the services and facilities we offer you for your Zirakpur to Bathinda taxi. We assures you to provide the best deals for your one way taxi booking. When it comes to outstation cabs in Zirakpur, you can select us without a second thought because Zirakpur to Bathnda taxi is one among the most important areas we serve. 

The distance from Zirakpur to Bathinda is about 220 kilometre andi t take approximately 4 hour 20 minutes to complete the journey. Sedan and SUV type of cabs offered by Zirakpur taxi are well maintained and clean. Our drivers are educated and trained as well as police verified. Our cabs are disinfected before and after every ride for your safety.

The best part of our services is that you can book any cab of your choice on just one click. You do not need to search for cheap Zirakpur to Bathinda cab near you, because with our online taxi hire booking service, you can book a taxi any time basis at your convenience for booking just call us at 9814179443.